Montag, 17. Mai 2010

Summer's coming

It has been a long while since I have written anything, either there wasn't much to tell, or just no time to do it... Sorry.
Since I last wrote, the Semester has been going on full force, I had class every day (some Professors took to our assigned reading quite literally... out loud!) and I tried to enjoy the Italian weather and way of life as much as possible. There were Midterms and last week the last written Finals. Now only the Oral Exams and a few Papers a left to do, and then I'm done for this Semester!!!
A couple of weeks ago we had absolutely great weather: sunny and 77°F, then came the rain :-( And it stayed for quite a while. Only now and then was there a dry day, but it stayed cold nonetheless. But since last weekend the thermometer is on the rise, I was even on the beach yesterday at Noli and got a bit tanned :-)))) And the forecast ist looking good: today 75°F and it seems to stay in the mid-70s for the next couple of days.
I'm getting a visitor next month, I'm really excited about that, and end of June I'm going to a little traveling.
I think ERASMUS is good for mir ;-)

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